Actionable information, tips, and updates. Industry experts provide valuable insight and practical advice so that you can stay current on the latest cyber security issues

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    • Polymorphic Viruses and Polymorphic Malware

      Understanding Polymorphic Viruses and Polymorphic Malware

    • Middle East Image for cybersecurity trends
      Nick Loumakis, Regional Managing Director MENA Blog

      The Middle East’s Rise in Economic Growth: A Prime Target for Cybersecurity Threats

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      Iraklis Mathiopoulos, Chief of Services Blog

      Why you need risk-aligned cyber security to build resilience

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      Notis Iliopoulos, VP of MRC Blog

      Tips for NIS2 Compliance: What Companies Need to Do — and Will It Work?

    • GRC image

      What is GRC in Cyber Security? Why is it Important?

    • social engineering

      What is a social engineering attack? Types of social engineering attacks

    • globe, earth, cloud, technology

      What is Cloud Security? Best Practices, Challenges

    • coding code program programming developer compute

      Vulnerability Assessment VS Penetration Testing: What’s the difference?

    • zero day vulnerability

      What is a Zero Day Vulnerability? Meaning, Examples

    • Blog

      MDR vs MSSP: What is the difference?