Blog September 19, 2024

What is a Zero Day Vulnerability? Meaning, Examples

The “Zero-Day” term highlights the critical nature of the threat, as the system remains exposed until the vulnerability is addressed. Attackers aim to exploit this gap before a fix can be implemented. Below are some terms to clarify:

  1. Zero-Day Vulnerability: A security flaw in software that is unknown to the vendor or security teams, thus allowing possible attackers to target this flaw.
  2. Zero-Day Exploit: The method or technique a hacker uses to take advantage of the Zero-Day Vulnerability.
  3. Zero-Day Attack: This happens when malware is launched to exploit the vulnerability before the software developer can release a patch.

What zero-day means

The term “zero-day” indicates that developers have had zero days to fix the problem before it is exploited.

Once attackers discover the vulnerability, they can create and deploy malicious code, known as a zero-day exploit, to take advantage of it. Because there is no immediate fix available, the window of opportunity for cybercriminals can be extensive. This raises the question how can organisations defend against a zero-day attack?

What is zero-day attack?

A zero-day attack occurs when hackers exploit a zero-day vulnerability before the software vendor can issue a patch or update. The attack is usually carried out in the form of malware, ransomware or even spear phishing campaigns designed to breach a system or steal sensitive information.

Due to a lack of available protection at the onset, zero-day attacks can spread rapidly, causing significant damage to organisations. The absence of early detection methods makes them particularly dangerous, and many businesses are left unaware of the attack until it’s too late.

All software platforms can potentially have vulnerabilities. Detecting zero-day vulnerabilities remains a challenge for security teams, as they have to search for potential vulnerabilities and monitor the external threat environment. They must update their vulnerability scanning tools to search for and identify zero-day vulnerabilities.

How can businesses best protect from zero-day attacks?

Defending against zero-day vulnerability attacks might seem like a daunting task, but several strategies can help support this risk. The key is to implement a proactive approach to security that includes regular monitoring, swift patch management and education. While no single method will provide complete protection against zero-day exploits, combining multiple security measures can make a significant difference.

#1 Regularly update and patch systems

One of the first steps to take is to ensure systems are regularly updated and patched. While this doesn’t help with vulnerabilities that are still unknown, it reduces the risk of falling victim to older, known vulnerabilities. Keeping software up to date is a fundamental part of securing any digital infrastructure.

#2 Use IDS and IPS

Another important strategy involves the use of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), which can help identify suspicious activity and prevent attacks. These systems can scan for abnormal behaviour in real-time and block potential threats before they can cause harm. While zero-day exploits may bypass traditional defences, IDS and IPS tools can offer some level of protection by identifying and isolating anomalous behaviour early on.

#3 Educate the team

Educating employees is another critical line of defence. A well-trained team can serve as the first responders to suspicious activities. Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to initiate zero-day attacks, so employees who are aware of these tactics are more likely to spot potential threats before they escalate. Awareness training and simulations that mimic real-world attacks can help employees recognise signs of an impending zero-day exploit, offering organisations a much-needed buffer.

Why is a zero-day exploit so critical?

But what is a zero-day exploit, and why is it so dangerous? In essence, it’s a weaponised code designed to take advantage of a vulnerability that hasn’t yet been patched. This allows attackers to gain unauthorised access to systems, steal data or disrupt operations. The damage caused by a zero-day exploit can be severe, ranging from financial losses and reputational damage to legal liabilities.

How does Obrela protect from zero-day exploits?

This is where Obrela comes in. As a leader in cyber risk management, Obrela can help businesses stay ahead of zero-day attacks. By leveraging advanced threat intelligence and AI-powered security solutions, Obrela helps organisations detect vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. With a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that includes continuous monitoring and proactive defence mechanisms, Obrela can mitigate risks associated with zero-day attacks.

One of Obrela’s strengths lies in its ability to simulate real-world attack scenarios through advanced practices. These tests help organisations understand how vulnerable they might be to a zero-day attack and what steps they can take to prevent it. User education also equips employees with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and respond to potential threats, reducing the likelihood of human error.

Obrela’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve with AI-driven threat detection ensures businesses remain protected even against evolving zero-day exploits. By providing real-time insights and offering a 24/7 security operations centre, Obrela enables organisations to take a proactive stance in securing their digital assets. This proactive approach is crucial in an era where threat actors are constantly innovating new methods to bypass traditional security measures.


The dangers posed by zero-day vulnerability attacks cannot be underestimated. These exploits take advantage of flaws that remain unknown to both developers and users, making them particularly difficult to defend against. However, by implementing a combination of

  • patch management,
  • IDS/IPS systems,
  • employee training, and
  • partnering with a cybersecurity expert like Obrela,

organisations can significantly reduce the risk of a zero-day attack.

With Obrela’s AI-powered solutions and human intelligence driven risk management strategies, businesses can rapidly fortify their defences and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Need to know more about our cybersecurity services and how they protect your business from cyber attacks? Book a demo today and fortify your systems!

You can also learn more about the service Vulnerability Assessment.